Upcoming Events

Lenten Mini Concerts

Lenten Mini Concerts

First Church Stratford will present weekly mini Lenten concerts, featuring pianist and organist Dr. Joe Utterback. The concerts will be held in the church sanctuary, 2301 Main Street, Stratford. The first concert is at 3 PM on Wednesday, March 12. Additional concerts are at 3 PM on Wednesday, March 19 and 26, as well as April 2. There is no admission fee. Please join us!

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Community Lenten Dinners

Community Lenten Dinners

First Church Stratford will host Community Lenten Dinners on Fridays in Lent. The dinners will be held from 5 to 7 PM on the following Fridays: March 7, March 14, March 21, March 28, April 4 and April 11. The three course meal includes a choice of soup or salad; a main course of salmon, shrimp scampi, fish and chips, crab cakes, shrimp and mushroom with wild rice; and a dessert. A vegetarian option is also available. The cost is $17 for adults, $15 for seniors and $5 for kids. All are welcome!

Volunteers are needed to help with prep, baking, cooking, serving, setting up and cleaning up. Sign up here to volunteer. For questions, please contact Amy Elias at msamyelias@yahoo.com or (917) 557-0245.

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Corned Beef Sandwiches

Corned Beef Sandwiches

First Church Stratford's Board of Christian Education is selling corned beef sandwiches. The sandwiches are on rye bread and include mustard and sauerkraut on the side. The cost per sandwich is $8 for adults and $7 for seniors. Sandwiches will be ready for pickup in Upper Packard Hall after church on Sunday, March 16.

To place an order, please go to https://bit.ly/CornedBeef2025 or visit the BOCE table during Fellowship Coffee Hour on Sunday, March 9. For any questions, please contact Amy Elias at (917) 557-0246 or msamyelias@yahoo.com. If you would prefer to not sign up online, please call or email Amy. Orders must be received by Friday, March 14.

All proceeds will benefit the Silver Lake Scholarship Fund, which helps send church youth to summer camp at Silver Lake. Thank you for your support!

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Community Lenten Dinners

Community Lenten Dinners

First Church Stratford will host Community Lenten Dinners on Fridays in Lent. The dinners will be held from 5 to 7 PM on the following Fridays: March 7, March 14, March 21, March 28, April 4 and April 11. The three course meal includes a choice of soup or salad; a main course of salmon, shrimp scampi, fish and chips, crab cakes, shrimp and mushroom with wild rice; and a dessert. A vegetarian option is also available. The cost is $17 for adults, $15 for seniors and $5 for kids. All are welcome!

Volunteers are needed to help with prep, baking, cooking, serving, setting up and cleaning up. Sign up here to volunteer. For questions, please contact Amy Elias at msamyelias@yahoo.com or (917) 557-0245.

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Community Lenten Dinners

Community Lenten Dinners

First Church Stratford will host Community Lenten Dinners on Fridays in Lent. The dinners will be held from 5 to 7 PM on the following Fridays: March 7, March 14, March 21, March 28, April 4 and April 11. The three course meal includes a choice of soup or salad; a main course of salmon, shrimp scampi, fish and chips, crab cakes, shrimp and mushroom with wild rice; and a dessert. A vegetarian option is also available. The cost is $17 for adults, $15 for seniors and $5 for kids. All are welcome!

Volunteers are needed to help with prep, baking, cooking, serving, setting up and cleaning up. Sign up here to volunteer. For questions, please contact Amy Elias at msamyelias@yahoo.com or (917) 557-0245.

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Community Lenten Dinners

Community Lenten Dinners

First Church Stratford will host Community Lenten Dinners on Fridays in Lent. The dinners will be held from 5 to 7 PM on the following Fridays: March 7, March 14, March 21, March 28, April 4 and April 11. The three course meal includes a choice of soup or salad; a main course of salmon, shrimp scampi, fish and chips, crab cakes, shrimp and mushroom with wild rice; and a dessert. A vegetarian option is also available. The cost is $17 for adults, $15 for seniors and $5 for kids. All are welcome!

Volunteers are needed to help with prep, baking, cooking, serving, setting up and cleaning up. Sign up here to volunteer. For questions, please contact Amy Elias at msamyelias@yahoo.com or (917) 557-0245.

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Community Lenten Dinners

Community Lenten Dinners

First Church Stratford will host Community Lenten Dinners on Fridays in Lent. The dinners will be held from 5 to 7 PM on the following Fridays: March 7, March 14, March 21, March 28, April 4 and April 11. The three course meal includes a choice of soup or salad; a main course of salmon, shrimp scampi, fish and chips, crab cakes, shrimp and mushroom with wild rice; and a dessert. A vegetarian option is also available. The cost is $17 for adults, $15 for seniors and $5 for kids. All are welcome!

Volunteers are needed to help with prep, baking, cooking, serving, setting up and cleaning up. Sign up here to volunteer. For questions, please contact Amy Elias at msamyelias@yahoo.com or (917) 557-0245.

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Palm Sunday Service and Cantata (Copy)

Palm Sunday Service and Cantata (Copy)

Join us on April 13 for our Palm Sunday service. During our 10 AM morning worship, our Chancel and Festival Choirs will present a Palm Sunday Cantata. The service will also include scripture and hymns, including the annual singing of “The Palms.” Please join us as we celebrate Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem.

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Scout Sunday

Scout Sunday

Join us for Scout Sunday on March 9. During our 10 AM service, Boy Scouts from Troop 71 will lead our worship service. Current and former Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts are especially encouraged to attend this annual celebration of scouting.

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Community Lenten Dinners

Community Lenten Dinners

First Church Stratford will host Community Lenten Dinners on Fridays in Lent. The dinners will be held from 5 to 7 PM on the following Fridays: March 7, March 14, March 21, March 28, April 4 and April 11. The three course meal includes a choice of soup or salad; a main course of salmon, shrimp scampi, fish and chips, crab cakes, shrimp and mushroom with wild rice; and a dessert. A vegetarian option is also available. The cost is $17 for adults, $15 for seniors and $5 for kids. All are welcome!

Volunteers are needed to help with prep, baking, cooking, serving, setting up and cleaning up. Sign up here to volunteer. For questions, please contact Amy Elias at msamyelias@yahoo.com or (917) 557-0245.

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Red Bag Sunday

Red Bag Sunday

First Church Stratford holds a “Red Bag” food drive the first Sunday of each month. Our next collection is Sunday, March 2, from 11 AM to 12 PM in the church parking lot. Please bring non-perishable food items, toiletries and/or pet food. Local pantries are empty and in dire need of restocking. Thank you for your continued support of this important mission.

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Fat Sunday

Fat Sunday

Fat Sunday is back! Our New Orleans style jazz worship service returns on Sunday, March 2, at 10 AM. Fat Sunday is a variation on Fat Tuesday (Mardi Gras), which is the day before Ash Wednesday and the start of the Lenten season. The service will feature festive music from the Vintage Brass Ensemble. The service will be held in the church sanctuary, 2301 Main Street, Stratford. All are welcome!

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Contemporary Worship

Contemporary Worship

Our Contemporary Worship team will lead worship one Sunday each month! Join us on February 23 at 10 AM for an uplifting and powerful morning of music and scripture. The service will also be available on Zoom (for those on our email list) and Facebook Live.

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History Sunday: 385th Celebration

History Sunday: 385th Celebration

Join us on February 16 as we celebrate our church’s 385th anniversary!

On this special Sunday, our congregation will take a trip back in time and explore the stories of 20 generations of our church family from 1639 to the present. In 2014, during the 375th celebration, we had seven members of the thousands, whose lives overlapped in what was titled “Six Degrees of Separation, Plus One.” They will tell their stories that reflected the times they lived and the issues that they experienced. Featured members include Moses Wheeler, the first ferryman in Stratford, who was born during Queen Elizabeth I’s reign, and Ray Severance, who served during WWII and passed away just a few years ago. We will add a new representative, as a seventh, too. We will also be showing segments of that historical play. In addition, we will add ten more “links” to the historic chain that was created to symbolize our interconnectedness with our past, a chain that stretches about almost 200 feet and was used during the Stratford Parade in 2014. Our congregation will have a procession with the chain and we will add five new icons to it. There will be choral and instrumental music. There will be displays and a party after service in Upper Packard Hall, too! Hopefully, all our church family will participate!

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Valentine Potluck Dinner

Valentine Potluck Dinner

The Music Department will hold a Valentine Potluck Dinner on Saturday, February 8, at 5:00 PM in Lower Packard Hall. The cost is $8 for adults, $6 for seniors and $3 for children, with a maximum of $15 per family. Please bring either a main dish, a side dish or a dessert to share. All proceeds benefit the Special Music Fund.

If you would like to be a part of the musical entertainment, please contact Allison or Dr. Joe. A sheet for talent sign up will also be on the door of the Music Room. We hope to see you there!

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Red Bag Sunday

Red Bag Sunday

First Church Stratford holds a “Red Bag” food drive the first Sunday of each month. Our next collection is Sunday, February 2, from 11 AM to 12 PM in the church parking lot. Please bring non-perishable food items, toiletries and/or pet food. Local pantries are empty and in dire need of restocking. Thank you for your continued support of this important mission.

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Annual Meeting

Annual Meeting

The Annual Meeting of the First Congregational Church of Stratford, Connecticut, United Church of Christ, will be held on Sunday, January 26, 2025, following a worship service in the sanctuary. During the meeting, church members will review 2024 activities and annual reports; elect officers, board and committee members to new terms; adopt a 2025 budget; and transact any other business that may properly come before the meeting.

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Red Bag Sunday

Red Bag Sunday

First Church Stratford holds a “Red Bag” food drive the first Sunday of each month. Our next collection is Sunday, January 5, from 11 AM to 12 PM in the church parking lot. Please bring non-perishable food items, toiletries and/or pet food. Local pantries are empty and in dire need of restocking. Thank you for your continued support of this important mission.

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Christmas Eve Traditional Candlelight Service

Christmas Eve Traditional Candlelight Service

Join us on Tuesday, December 24 at 10 PM for our Traditional Candlelight Service. This beautiful worship service includes readings and carols, concluding with the singing of “Silent Night” by candle’s glow. The service will also be available on Zoom (for those on our email list) and Facebook Live.

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Christmas Eve Contemporary Worship

Christmas Eve Contemporary Worship

Join us for Christmas at First Church Stratford! Our celebration continues with our Contemporary Worship Service at 4 PM on Tuesday, December 24. The Contemporary Worship team will lead this uplifting and powerful afternoon of music and scripture. The service will also be available on Zoom (for those on our email list) and Facebook Live.

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Christmas Cantata

Christmas Cantata

Join us on December 22 as our Chancel and Festival Choirs present their annual Christmas Cantata. Come and enjoy the beautiful sounds of the Christmas season!

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Christmas Pageant

Christmas Pageant

Our Sunday School students will present a Christmas Pageant during our worship service on Sunday, December 22. Please join us for a retelling of the Christmas story, complete with costumes, carols and audiovisual elements.

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Advent Mini Concerts

Advent Mini Concerts

First Church Stratford will present weekly mini Advent concerts, featuring pianist and organist Dr. Joe Utterback. The concerts will be held in the church sanctuary, 2301 Main Street, Stratford. The final concert is at 3 PM on Wednesday, December 18. There is no admission fee. Come and enjoy the wonderful music of the season!

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Christmas Poinsettias

Christmas Poinsettias

Our memorial Christmas poinsettias are now on sale. The cost is $12 per plant. Order forms are available outside the church office. A digital copy of the order form is in the weekly Note from Your Pastor. All orders must be received by December 15. For more information, please email the church office or see Beth Turner after worship.

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Red Bag Sunday

Red Bag Sunday

First Church Stratford holds a “Red Bag” food drive the first Sunday of each month. Our next collection is Sunday, December 1, from 11 AM to 12 PM in the church parking lot. Please bring non-perishable food items, toiletries and/or pet food. Local pantries are empty and in dire need of restocking. Thank you for your continued support of this important mission.

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Stewardship Sunday

Stewardship Sunday

Join us for Stewardship Sunday on November 19! During our 10 AM service, we will collect pledge cards for A Spiritual Journey, our 2025 Stewardship Campaign. Pledge cards and donations can be placed in the Steward Ship. Checks may also be dropped off in the church’s mail slot by the Church Street door. In addition, bank EFT forms can be filled out and mailed to the church. Please return your pledge card even if you use EFT. Remember that, if circumstances dictate, a pledge can be adjusted up or down by calling the church.

Thank you for your generosity and support!

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Winter Clothes and Bedding Drive
to Nov 17

Winter Clothes and Bedding Drive

First Church Stratford is hosting a winter clothes drive. Items can be placed in a collection box in the narthex before or after Sunday services on November 17. Winter clothes especially needed include coats; hats; gloves; scarves; sweaters; and sweatshirts. Please place donations in plastic garbage bags.

In addition, twin sheets and blankets are needed for Furniture Ministry, an initiative of Catholic Charities of Fairfield County. Please place the bedding in the box in the narthex.

Thank you for your continued support of these important missions.

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Red Bag Sunday

Red Bag Sunday

First Church Stratford holds a “Red Bag” food drive the first Sunday of each month. Our next collection is Sunday, November 3, from 11 AM to 12 PM in the church parking lot. Please bring non-perishable food items, toiletries and/or pet food. Local pantries are empty and in dire need of restocking. Thank you for your continued support of this important mission.

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Tag Sale

Tag Sale

Join us for our annual tag sale on Saturday, November 2, from 9 AM to 3 PM. Items for purchase include holiday décor; toys and games; china and glasses; linens; kitchenware; garden tools; decorative bathroom items; pictures; lamps; books, both for children and adults; and CDs and DVDs. Please help support this wonderful event!

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Bake Sale

Bake Sale

The Women’s Service League will sell baked goods at the tag sale on Saturday, November 2. Bakers are needed to make items for the bake sale, including cookies, brownies and muffins. Breads, pies and cakes are also requested.

Baked goods can be dropped off at the church (Church Street entrance) from 5 to 6 PM on Friday, November 1, or on Saturday morning before the sale begins. Proceeds will be used to help fund the WSL's building improvement projects. Thank you for your support!

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Contemporary Worship

Contemporary Worship

Our Contemporary Worship team will lead worship one Sunday each month! Join us on October 27 at 10 AM for an uplifting and powerful morning of music and scripture. The service will also be available on Zoom (for those on our email list) and Facebook Live.

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Rise Against Hunger

Rise Against Hunger

First Church Stratford will partner with Rise Against Hunger for a meal packaging event at our church on Saturday, October 26, from 10 AM to 12 PM. Volunteers will join together to package as many as 10,152 meals to help meet basic hunger needs in our local community. To learn more or sign up to participate, please visit bit.ly/RiseHunger2024.

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Pumpkin Potluck

Pumpkin Potluck

The Women’s Service League is hosting a Pumpkin Potluck supper on Saturday, October 19, beginning at 5 PM. The supper will be held in Lower Packard Hall and includes musical entertainment by Jacqui Owens and Eric Nyquist. The cost is $8 for adults, $6 for seniors and $5 for children ages 12 and up. Children under 12 are free.

To sign up to attend, please visit the WSL table during fellowship hour after worship on October 6 or 13. Please bring food items in disposable (aluminum) dishes, if possible, for easy clean-up.

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Rose Window Concert

Rose Window Concert

First Church Stratford's Rose Window Concert Series kicks off on Sunday, October 13, with a Broadway Favorites concert. Performers include Galen Donovan, Emma Gulick, Nick Stanford, Irene Yezersky and Nicole Yezersky. The concert is at 3 PM in the sanctuary; there is no admission charge. Join us for a great afternoon of music, including songs from The Notebook, Kinky Boots and Cabaret.

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Red Bag Sunday

Red Bag Sunday

First Church Stratford holds a “Red Bag” food drive the first Sunday of each month. Our next collection is Sunday, October 6, from 11 AM to 12 PM in the church parking lot. Please bring non-perishable food items, toiletries and/or pet food. Local pantries are empty and in dire need of restocking. Thank you for your continued support of this important mission.

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Neighbors in Need Special Offering

Neighbors in Need Special Offering

On October 6, during our World Communion Sunday service, we will collect the Neighbors in Need Special Offering. This year's NiN theme is “Mental Health Justice For All!” One-third of the offering benefits Council for American Indian Ministry (CAIM) and two-thirds are used by Justice and Witness Ministries to provide grants to UCC churches and organizations, as well as fund a variety of direct service projects, justice initiatives and advocacy efforts.

Offering envelopes will be placed in the bulletins on October 6. Please make checks payable to First Congregational Church and write NIN in the memo section.

Donations are also accepted through UCC’s Mobile Giving/Text-to-Give. Text the letters UCCNIN to short code 41444.

Thank you for your continued generosity!

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Contemporary Worship

Contemporary Worship

Our Contemporary Worship team will lead worship one Sunday each month! Join us on September 22 at 10 AM for an uplifting and powerful morning of music and scripture. The service will also be available on Zoom (for those on our email list) and Facebook Live.

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Youth Choir Rehearsal

Youth Choir Rehearsal

First Church Stratford's Youth Choir will return this fall. Rehearsals will begin on September 15 (Kickoff Sunday) after the picnic. Youth Choir is open to children and teens ages 10 and up. Please bring a friend or two–all are welcome!

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