This is my commandment:
love each other just as I have loved you.
We Are All Called to Serve
Outreach is a crucial part of First Church Stratford’s ministry. Through the work of our Board of Benevolence, we offer our time and financial support to those in need throughout the local and global communities. Our members are devoted to volunteerism and demonstrating how Love Comes First at First Church.
Missions That Matter
nOURish Bridgeport
Wednesdays and Thursdays
Volunteers from our church work each month at nOURish Bridgeport’s Food Pantry and Baby Center. Participants unpack and sort food deliveries, as well as distribute supplies. Work shifts are available from 10 AM to 6:30 PM on Wednesdays and 9:30 AM to 12:30 PM on Thursdays. For more information or to sign up to volunteer, please visit bit.ly/NourishBptVolunteer.
Red Bag Sunday
First Sunday of each month, 11 AM-12 PM
Our monthly “Red Bag” food drives support the food pantry at Sterling House Community Center. Donations of non-perishable food items, toiletries and pet food are always welcome.
Ghana Legacy
Our Ghana Legacy project is a result of Pastor Ed’s mission trip to Ghana in 2022. The group raised funds to construct a dormitory for schoolchildren at EPC Church of Donkorkrom, Ghana. This past February, Pastor Ed and Amy Elias traveled to Donkorkrom for the dedication of the new building.
CROP Hunger Walk
Team First Church Stratford participates in the annual CROP Hunger Walk, which raises funds to support the global mission of Church World Service. The proceeds also support hunger relief organizations in the greater Bridgeport area. To join or support our team, please visit bit.ly/CROPWalk2024.
Habitat for Humanity
Habitat for Humanity is a nonprofit organization that works with families to build and repair homes. Volunteers from our church work with Habitat to construct affordable housing, which plays an important part in creating stable and strong communities.
Lord’s Kitchen
Mondays and Wednesdays, hosted by Christ Episcopal Church
The Lord’s Kitchen, an initiative of the Stratford Clergy Association, welcomes those in need to partake of a community supper. A number of Stratford churches purchase, prepare and serve meals on a rotational schedule.
Covenant to Care
Covenant to Care for Children provides support for abused, neglected and impoverished children in Connecticut. The nonprofit organization works with religious communities of all denominations through its Adopt a Social Worker, Crisis Food Pantry and Critical Goods programs. Visit Covenant to Care’s website for more information.
Council of Churches
The Council of Churches of Greater Bridgeport is a faith-based, non-sectarian social services agency that aims to break the cycle of poverty and crisis in the Greater Bridgeport area. The organization works to educate children; feed the hungry; support youth in crisis; guide former offenders; and promote understanding between all faiths. For more details, visit the CCGB’s website.
Holy Joe’s Café
Since 2006, Holy Joe’s Café has supplied free coffee to military bases across the globe. The ministry began with a collection of coffee cans at First Congregational Church in Wallingford, but today has grown to serve millions of cups of coffee to troops in in the Middle East, Africa, Europe, on board Navy ships and in NATO military hospitals. To support this mission, please go to the Holy Joe’s Café website.

Special Events
The Board of Benevolence sponsors special events throughout the year, including a tag sale, dinners and clothing drives.