
Make a joyful noise unto the Lord, all ye lands!

We Are the Music Makers

There is no doubt about it—we are blessed with one unbelievable music program. At First Church Stratford, we consider music to be an integral part of worship and outreach to the greater community. Each Sunday, you will hear our outstanding Austin organ and Yamaha grand piano, as well as vocal and instrumental music in a multitude of styles.

There are opportunities for children and adults alike in our music program. We nurture both youth and adult choirs for those who like to sing; an intergenerational bell choir; and individual participation for those who really want to shine. In addition, our Rose Window Concert series features internationally renowned performers and local artists.

Our Groups

Choir members singing

Chancel Choir

Our Chancel Choir is comprised of adult singers from a wide range of musical backgrounds. The choir season begins in September and ends in June. Rehearsals are on Thursdays from 7 to 8 PM in the sanctuary. New members are always welcome!

Handbells and sheet music

Meetinghouse Ringers

Our bell choir, known as the Meetinghouse Ringers, plays at special services throughout the year. Ringers use both Schulmerich handbells and Malmark Choirchimes. Rehearsals are on Sundays after worship. Please join us; no prior experience is needed!


Festival Choir

Our Festival Choir sings with the Chancel Choir on All Saints' Sunday, Fat Sunday, Palm Sunday, Easter and Pentecost, as well as in the Christmas Cantata. Participants attend rehearsals starting two weeks before each service. Rehearsals for All Saints’ Sunday begin on October 24 at 7 PM.

Black and white photo of choir members singing

Palm Sunday Concert Choir

Since 1942, the Palm Sunday Concert Choir, formerly known as the Oratorio Choir, has provided the community with great choral music. Founded by Dr. M. Louise Miller, the choir includes church members, as well as amateur and professional vocalists from the surrounding communities.

Children singing in a choir

Youth Choir

Our Youth Choir will return this fall. Children and teens ages 10 and up are welcome and encouraged to join. Rehearsals will begin on September 15 (Kickoff Sunday). The choir will sing regularly during morning worship services. Rehearsals will be held on Sundays.

Toy xylophone, tambourine, mallets and a triangle

Sunday School Choir

Our Sunday School Choir rehearses during the morning worship services and sings choral benedictions throughout the school year. Children also play and learn about Kodaly instruments. The choir most recently sang on Palm Sunday and will sing again in the fall.

Austin organ

Rose Window Concert Series

Our Rose Window Concert Series features nationally and internationally renowned musicians, as well as local artists. Past performers include David Allen Wehr; Cynthia Raim; Andrew Shenton; Joe Carter; Ali Ryerson; Allison Fay; Michael Jovovich; and Dr. Joe Utterback.


Talk to a Leader


Dr. Joe Utterback

A composer, recording artist, pianist and organ recitalist, Dr. Joe Utterback has been a compelling artist on the American jazz scene for more than 50 years, which has included national and international tours, as well as longterm gigs in the jazz centers of Kansas City, San Francisco and New York City. Recent annual engagements include Tony Awards Galas and the Empire State Building Christmas entertainment. Chosen to perform and lead workshops at national and regional conferences of organizations such as the National Federation of Music Clubs and the American Guild of Organists, Dr. Joe has taught more than 20 years at Sacred Heart University. He has served since 1996 as our Director of Music and Organist.

Allison Fay

Meet Allison Fay

Allison Fay is an accomplished classical soprano, choral conductor, voice teacher and vocal coach. A graduate of the Indiana University Jacobs School of Music, Allison’s past performances include Orff’s Carmina Burana; Handel’s Messiah; Haydn’s Lord Nelson Mass; and Bernstein’s Candide. She has performed solo work with the Amadeus Opernensemble, Norwalk Symphony Orchestra and The Mendelssohn Choir of Connecticut. An enthusiastic supporter of choral arts, Allison works with choirs and churches across Connecticut and produces audio, visual and social media content for the digital age. She serves as our Chancel Choir Director/Soprano Soloist, as well as our Digital Media Specialist.