Giving is a spiritual discipline that remind us
who we are and whose we are.
Annual Pledges
Your love and support makes it possible for us, as a church, to carry out the commandment of Jesus Christ to love our neighbors as ourselves. Every pledge — anchored in love — brings hope to our community and to the world. Thank you!
Sunday, November 24, is Stewardship Sunday. Please read the letter from The Stewardship Committee, Anchored in Love.
Thank you for your generosity and support. Help us continue to grow our church and expand our community outreach programs. Remember, we are a church that truly believes that LOVE COMES FIRST!
In Person Giving
Donations can be placed in the Steward Ship on Sunday, November 24. Checks may also be dropped off in the church’s mail slot by the Church Street door. In addition, bank EFT forms can be filled out and mailed to the church at the address below. Please return your pledge card even if you use EFT. Remember that, if circumstances dictate, a pledge can be adjusted up or down by calling the church.
Mail Giving
Please mail checks or EFT forms to:
First Congregational Church of Stratford
2301 Main Street
Stratford, CT 06615

Give, and it will be given to you.
A good measure, pressed down,
shaken together and running over,
will be poured into your lap.
For with the measure you use,
it will be measured to you.
— Luke 6:38